
Analog Computers 101

September 24, 2023
knowhow, analog, computing

Today I want to speak about analog computers. In todays times analog computers are leading a shadowy existence, compared to their digital counterparts. But they are wonderous little machines. And that machines I mean wordly because there exists analog mechanical computers that are models from the world and used to compute and predict tides in certain areas of the world . Also the brain is an enourmous analog computer with a comparatively very small enery budget. ...

Caches and Caching

June 10, 2023
knowhow, Web

When you fire up your browser to visit a website, you most probably did not noticed a very important mechanism underlying the browser and working in the background. Caching. Caches are used everywhere to optimize and improve access times and such in consequence the overall performance (of a site). Caching in the browser for example means, that ideally only the portions of the website that changed are loaded from the www. ...

Topics to write about - Wishlist

May 21, 2023
Web, blog

This is a small, incomplete list of topics I’d like to write about in the mid- to far future. Caches Interrupts Out-of-Order execution RAW, WAR and WAW conflicts Filters (analog and digital) Analog computers neuronal networks the macrobiom

Religion vs. spirituality - why I prefer the latter

May 18, 2023

What I have learned about religions and spirituality over the last years and decades boils down to one simple statement: Religion is about right and wrong and old, outdated dogmas, while spirituality simply says "It is how it is". For spirituality, there is no right or wrong, only the single moment in the present in which we dwell. I find this viewpoint quite amazing. From what I found, it leads to a more awakened state. ...

Why are serial interfaces everywhere - instead of parallel ones

May 18, 2023
electronic, knowhow

USB, SPI, I²C, Sata - all these interfaces is common that they are serial interfaces. Serial interfaces are todays common. But why is that the case, especially for high-speed communication? it sounds simply counterintuitive: Parallel wires can theoretically send more bits per time than on singular wire can. The answer to that question is complex and multilayered. There are multiple different reasons why serial interfaces are preferred over parallel interfaces. ...

Odoo hacks: Remove Lock-Button from Odoo v12

April 22, 2023
Web, Odoo

Today I want to introduce a solution for a usability-problem I had in Odoo recently. In Odoo 12 there is a lock button next to the edit / save button, and you have to click both to (1) unlock the page and (2) make it editable. This should be done in one step, effectively removing the locking mechanism used in the Delivery Orders (class StockPicking) and Manufacturing Orders (class MrpProduction). ...

Separating blog and content

February 4, 2023
Web, Hugo

As the blog grow bigger and after the move to odoo, I noticed a gap in the workflow,since a blog and its content itself are different entities, I wanted to handle them as such, that led me to a cleanup of the original source code for blog, where I moved teh content folder into a different repo, called hugo_content, the former repo I called hugo_blog. --- In my case, this means you have to clone the repo hugo_blog first go inside the new directory (cd hugo ), checkout its branch 'hugo' and then do a clone of the repo hugo_content. ...

Moving to Hugo

April 15, 2022
Web, Hugo

Since one week my blog is build on the static-site-generator Hugo. I wanted to move to Hugo far earlier, due to the wide variety of themes. However this required the move from Asciidoc to Asciidoctor, and I experienced a few problems with the integration of Asciidoctor into my existing workflow. As the approach of rendering the latex-equations in the asciidoc-documents no loger worked, I decided to move on to client-based rendering of formulas, like done in KaTex and Mathjax. ...

Setting up a static blog with Nikola

December 12, 2020
Web, Nikola

I picked up Nikola some months ago as I was searching for a simple static-site-generator to setup a blog with minimal effort. To make things a bit more interesting and at the same time easier we will use Nikola in a Docker container. So I require an almost basic understanding for Docker here. First create a directory on our host system, where you want the files stored, e.g. 'blog' in your home directory. ...

Writing about math with Asciidoc

December 12, 2020

While drafting a blog post, part of a series of posts intended to be published in the future, I discovered a lack of my tooling in Nikola. When adding mathematical formulas, I realized that there is no default-way of rendering images from those math formulas, and inserting them as image-tags into the html. Instead math formulas are handled via JS, which I try to reduce to an absolute minimum on my site. ...