
FPGA 101: Starting with Quartus and Verilog

December 25, 2023
fpga, beginners, quartus, verilog

So, you decided you want to learn fpga programming and have done the prerequisite from the introduction 0 as well as done the simple logic circuit via quartus’s bdf files. Today we want to show you how to figure out Quartus by doing another hardware equivalent of the hello-World program used in the software world - we do program a binary counter showing of by the LED array we have available on our DE0-nano board. ...

FPGA 101: Starting with Quartus

December 23, 2023
fpga, beginners, quartus

So, you decided you want to learn fpga programming and have done the prerequisite from the last blog post. Today we want to show you how to figure out Quartus by doing a hardware equivalent of the hello-World program used in the software world - we call it AndGate because it is simply that - an and gate feed by to push-buttons as input and a status-LED as output. This way we will make use of the Block Diagram Files (bdf) from Quartus. ...

FPGA 101: Starting with HDLS

December 3, 2023
fpga, beginners, quartus, modelsim

Today I want to start a blog post series about hardware programming. We start with an introduction to hardware programming with the FPGA-board DE0 Nano from former Altera now Intel. You see a picture of the small board below. It seems you can still order this board, but I have not tested. We will show how to setup the environment, in the first step we will (show how to) download and install quartus on a Debian distribution, and configure the programmer. ...